PERMANENT REPAIR : it permanently seals refrigerant leaks up to 0. 3 mm in air conditioning and refrigeration systems. ACTS QUICKLY on rubber and metal components of A / C systems. Compatible with ANY REFRIGERATION LUBRICANTS AND REFRIGERANT GASES, excluding Ammonia (R717). SAFE for the system thanks to its polymer – free formulation ; does not block AC / R components and does not react with moisture and oxygen. INCLUDES REUSABLE 1 / 4 SAE and 5 / 16 SAE ADAPTERS. DOSE : 6 mL is the universal dose for air conditioning and refrigeration systems up to 21 kW (or 700 mL of compressor lubricant). 9 out of 5 stars. Leak stop specific for. 1 cartridge of leak stop + 1 1 / 4 SAE adapter. 1 cartridge of leak stop + 1 5 / 16 SAE adapter. 1 cartridge of leak stop + 1 R1234yf adapter. 1 cartridge of leak stop + 1 R134a adapter. 1 cartridge of leak stop. 1 cartridge for systems up to 21 kW or 700 ml of compressor oil. 1 cartridge for one vehicle. 1 cartridge for systems up to 21 kW or 700 ml of compressor oil (HVAC) or for one vehicle (Automotive).